FCC Announcements
FCC Church Announcements App

Work-in-progress mobile-first web app designed for the display of announcements and other church information to members and guests, including a desktop-friendly administration dashboard for interacting with the database to handle user or announcement creation, editing, or deletion. Employs both user authentication and authorization to prevent or allow users to accomplish particular tasks based on their role.

Front-end: Bootstrap 4. Backend: Node, Exress, Passport, MongoDB. App deployed to Heroku, database deployed to mLab.

Hill City Touring
Hill City Touring

Travel agency website employing the Materialize framework, including using its slider, sidenav, lightbox, scrollspy, and autocomplete components. Also incorporates FontAwesome iconography.

Star City Transport
Star City Transport

Fullscreen landing page with content beneath the fold, parallax scrolling images, and a lightly-animated sliding navigation menu

YouDo List
YouDo Task List

Todo list app with no backend. Employs a pop-in alert box, and provides a means to add tasks, mark tasks completed, and remove tasks from the list, along with some minor animations

JavaScript Image Gallery
JavaScript Image Gallery

Image gallery built in vanilla JS, pulling random tech-related images from unsplash on each load. Minor animation.

Taskee App Landing Page
Taskee App Landing Page

Single-page landing page for fictional task management app, employing Bootstrap 4 and FontAwesome icons

Color Guessing Game
Color Guessing Game

A game meant to help sharpen a developer's eye for rgb color codes, this is written in vanilla JS, and allows for play both in 'easy' and 'hard' modes, 'hard' being the default.

Image Gallery
Photographer Image Gallery

Simple image gallery demo, using my own photography as content, employing Bootstrap 4's image thumbnail cards and its modals to display images in an aesthetically pleasing way.